Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Adding new items to the shop page daily.
Gold mesh snake/serpent wrist cuff, can also be worn as upper arm jewelry. Reptilian body with tail, long jet black glass eyes! This is one really cool piece 


Circa 1960s

Soft pink, blooming open petals with darker pink middle accents

stick back closing , stays in place looks great with jacket, scarfs

3" around approx



Friday, August 12, 2022


Seascape Oil Impressionist Painting - Signed K. Polary

Mid Century Impression painting from French artist K. Polary

Beautiful image of a green and gold sky along a fishing harbor

boats, ramps, with seagulls flying overhead as the sun is setting

dark wood framing with slight gold accent

#french #impression #art 
#maritime #oilpainting #harbor #polary #midcentury



🦋🦋🦋Signed Garrett on bottom

This is a beautiful Mid Century Painting

Yellow and orange background with jewel tones , creating a beautiful sunset

tree stump with two orange fluttering butterflies

white and lime green flowers along the forest floor, MCM abstract modernist

piece has been carefully stored no sunlight nor smoke

Southern California Estate Find 



Saturday, August 6, 2022



There Is No Sex In The USSR 

The story: On July 17, 1986, during a television conference between the United States and the Soviet Union, the world discovered that there was “no sex in the USSR”. 

The Leningrad-Boston “telemost” (TV Bridge) was one of the first joint Soviet-American programs filmed live. When an American woman brought up the topic of sex, a Russian woman, Lyudmila Ivanova, exclaimed "there is no sex in the Soviet Union.” She continued her phrase with ..."on television", but the second part of her response got drowned in a burst of laughter, so it wasn't heard by the audiences. 

Subsequently the edited version of the show was broadcast on Soviet television, and Lyudmila Ivanova went down in history as the woman who declared that there was no sex in her country.


Monday, June 27, 2022



               “Night does not show things, it suggests them. It disturbes and surprises us with its strangeness. It liberates forces within us which are dominated by our reason during the daytime.”

Friday, June 24, 2022



by Linda Pastan

The June bug

on the screen door

whirs like a small,

ugly machine,

and a chorus of frogs

and crickets drones like Musak

at all the windows.

What we don’t quite see

comforts us.

Blink of lightning, grumble

of thunder—just the heat

clearing its throat. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

     In reality, every reader, while he is reading, is the reader of his own self. The writer’s work is merely a      kind of optical instrument, which he offers to the reader to permit him to discern what, without the book, he would perhaps never have seen in himself.

— Marcel Proust

Monday, May 30, 2022




                                         turning round, she smiled

                                        with awkward flamingo grace

                                        piercing my heart through

Monday, April 11, 2022

This fugitive memory . . . I should so much 
Like to record it, but it’s dwindled. . . .

A skin made of jasmine-petals on a night. . . .
An August evening—but was it August? 

— Cavafy

tr. Lawrence Durrell

Yannis Tsarouchis


Monday, February 21, 2022


Some forms of metamorphosis require a sudden shift in Perspective 

Saturday, January 22, 2022


“And when people cease to believe that there is good and evil,

Only beauty will call to them and save them
So that they will know how to say: this is true and that is false.” 

― Czesław Miłosz


Tuesday, January 11, 2022


“Obsessed by a fairy tale, we spend our lives searching for a magic door and a last kingdom of peace.”
    -Eugene O’Neill


Original Still Life Oil Painting on Canvas Pink Hydrangea - Louisiana Outsider Artwork

Found this pieces in Louisiana , signed on the bottom On stretch canvas with a light wooden frame pink and blue flowers I have not cleaned t...