Thursday, September 24, 2020


 Life is moving so quickly not only these days , but in the world it seems. Maybe I have some serious rose color glasses or just really an old soul but when I sit an look around everything just seems blah and robotic. Recent trips out West and I see just huge concrete jungles everywhere, no vibrant colors from trees, small gardens adorning the sidewalks, even the Art is faded into some industrious half-assery. 

 NYC is literally a jumping city (pre-virus I know...) its sex on a stick for your eyes usually now bland building popping up NO character, trash, everyone is like a grey zombie just shuffling here and there. Where the hell is the soul, sexiness, that underline grit that charges the NYkers? People have gotten so damn bland and just blending in with surroundings , the term part of the woodworks really applies here. I miss seeing those tough as nails, sleek, NYers strolling around owning the places always seeming to be one step ahead of the rest of us. Please do not lose your grit and self we need y'all. 

 LA used to be laid back, music, characters everyone was vibing relaxing making this happen there were dreamers, poets, Acid heads, surfer dudes and dudettes all rolled into on huge smorgaboard of ideads and creatives. Walking along the streets is depression, anger, tons and tons of concrete , trees seems to have up and vanished, the bead was once a refuge looks like someone forgot to drain the bathwater a weeks ago..... murky stale staginate. Everything is so staginate out there now....

Original Still Life Oil Painting on Canvas Pink Hydrangea - Louisiana Outsider Artwork

Found this pieces in Louisiana , signed on the bottom On stretch canvas with a light wooden frame pink and blue flowers I have not cleaned t...